Cloud Computing


Customers' expectation for cloud computing is one that can be scalable, elastic and with shared IT and compute capabilities. They need (1) Increased agility in order to quickly deploy new applications. (2) Shorter applications cycles in order to push and updates applications. (3) Lowered cost of IT spending to obtain higher resources utilization, align cost with usage and reducing cost of IT labor. (4) Security, protection of customer data or internal data which continues to pose a major concern for company CIO's.

Private Cloud

Your Company owns and operates the infrastructure. The private cloud provide more flexibility and control to deploy cloud based applications, while the IT Department has control of the resources.

Public Cloud

Third party cloud services are offered by outside organization such like Google, Amazon and others. The leased spaces are in a multi-tenant infrastructure with some limitations or no flexibility for customization.

Hybrid Cloud

This type of cloud provides a combination of public and private cloud. Some applications are suited to run in public cloud and others are in private cloud. Hybrid cloud delivers convenience and flexibility for those organizations that are looking to agile their datacenters without increasing their IT cost.

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